[day 05] 본문
What on Earth Am I Here for?
Day 1 It All Starts with God
Day 2 You Are Not an Accident
Day 3 What Drives Your Life?
Day 4 Made to Last Forever
Day 5 Seeing Life from God's View
Day 6 Life Is a Temporary Assignment
Day 7 The Reason for Everything
Point to Ponder : Life is a test and a trust.
04. There is more to life than just here and now
03. Living on purpose is the path to peace.
02. I am not an accident.
01. It's not about me.
총 읽은 시간 / 핵심문장 / 단어
느낀 점 / 질문 등 자유롭게 : )
릭워렌목사님의 조언!
Don't just read this book. Interact with it. Underline it.
Write your own thoughts in the margins. Make it your book.
Personalize it! The books that have helped me most are the ones that I reacted to, not just read.
밑줄 팍팍 그으시면서 리딩하시면 도움이 되실 거 같아요 : )