목록아이보리.다이어리 (290)
Tuesdays with Morrie 03. Taking Attendance / The first Tuesday / The second Tuesday + 책상에서 읽으려니 집중이 잘 안되었다 집에 있게 되면 열심히 공부만 할 수 있을 거 같았는데 막상 시간이 많고 보니 ㅋㅋ게을러진다 + 자신이 무엇때문에 바쁜지도 모르게 바쁘게 사는 우리들이 삶의 의미를 깨닫기 위해서는 사랑해야한다. So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong thi..
Tuesdays with Morrie 02. The Audiovisual / The oridntation / The Classroom + 시간은 내면 낼수록 만들어지는 거 같다 출근 시간을 쪼개고 쪼개면 책을 읽을 수 있는 시간이 만들어진다. 문제는 집중력과 졸음과의 싸움 ㅋㅋ + about living with death's shadow about the meaning of life 이 책을 다 읽을 쯤, 나도 living with death's shadow, the meaning of life 에 대해 정리할 수 있었으면. 역시 죽음,의 문제는 어려운 문제. 우리는 누구나 죽는다. 나도. 부모님도. 남동생도. 친구도. 그도. 다 죽는다. 모리교수가 이 '죽음'의 프로젝트를 시작할 때 죽음에 대해 어떻..
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : God is real, no matter how I feel 13. God wants all of me. 12. I'm as close to God as I choose to be..
Tuesdays with Morrie 01. The Curriculum / The Syllabus / The Student 먼저, 이 책을 어제 밤에 읽으면서 마음이 짠,했다 지난 3월부터 동화책으로 리딩을 해왔더니 이 정도 책은 비록 모르는 단어가 나오더라도 한번에 읽고 이해하고 감동할 수 있게 된걸까,싶어서 말이다 그리고 이 책을 다 읽으면 나도 모리교수와 수업을 한 것과 같이 from experience 로 love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, finally, death에 대해 정리할 수 있게 될까, 기대하게 되었달까. 시작이 좋다. 이 책의 주제를 나타낸 문장을 찾았다 Morrie would walk that final bridge betwee..
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : God wants all of me. 12. I'm as close to God as I choose to be. 11. God wants to be my best friend 1..
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : I'm as close to God as I choose to be. 11. God wants to be my best friend 10. The heart of worship i..
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : God wants to be my best friend 10. The heart of worship is surrender 09. God smiles when I trust him..
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : The heart of worship is surrender 09. God smiles when I trust him. 08. I was planned God's pleasure...
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : God smiles when I trust him. 08. I was planned God's pleasure. 07. It's all for him. 06. This world ..
Purpose #1: You Were Planned for God's Pleasure Day 8 Planned for God's Pleasure Day 9 What Makes God Smile? Day 10 The Heart of Worship Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God Day 13 Worship That Pleases God Day 14 When God Seems Distant Point to Ponder : I was planned God's pleasure. 07. It's all for him. 06. This world is not my home. 05. Life is a tes..